Snowpack v2.0

v2.0.0 release post
Published May 26, 2020 by Fred K. Schott

After 40+ beta versions & release candidates we are very excited to introduce Snowpack 2.0: A build system for the modern web.

# install with npm
npm install --save-dev snowpack

# install with yarn
yarn add --dev snowpack

The Road to Snowpack 2.0

Snowpack 1.0 was designed for a simple mission: install npm packages to run directly in the browser. The theory was that JavaScript packages are the only thing still requiring the use of a bundler during development. Remove that requirement, remove the bundler, and speed up web development for everyone.

Guess what? It worked! Thousands of developers started using Snowpack to install their dependencies and build websites with less tooling. A whole new type of faster, lighter-weight dev environment suddenly became possible.

Snowpack 2.0 is a build system designed for this new era of web development. Snowpack removes the bundler from your dev environment, leveraging native ES Module (ESM) support to serve built files directly to the browser. This isn’t just a faster tool, it’s a new approach to web build systems.

The Rise of O(1) Build Systems

webpack vs. snowpack diagram

Bundling is a process of O(n) complexity. When you change a file, you can’t just rebuild that one file. You often need to rebuild and rebundle an entire chunk of your application across multiple related files to properly accept the new changes.

Snowpack is an O(1) build system. The term was first coined by Ives van Hoorne and it perfectly encapsulates our vision for the future of web development. Every file built with Snowpack can be expressed as a function: build(file) => result. When a file is changed during development, only that file is rebuilt.

This has several advantages over the traditional bundled dev approach:

That last point is key: every built file is cached individually and reused indefinitely. If you never change a file, you will never need to re-build it again.

dev A Faster Dev Environment

dev command output example

Run snowpack dev to start your new web dev environment and the first thing you’ll notice is how flippin’ fast O(1) build tooling is. Snowpack starts up in less than 50ms. That’s no typo: 50 milliseconds or less.

With no bundling work needed to start, your server spins up immediately. On your very first page load, Snowpack builds your first requested files and then caches them for future use. Even if your project contains a million different files, Snowpack builds only those needed to load the current page. This is how Snowpack stays fast.

snowpack dev includes a development server and a bunch of familiar features right out of the box:

Customizing Your Build

Build Scripts let you connect your favorite build tools. With Snowpack, you express every build as a linear input -> build -> output workflow. This allow Snowpack to pipe your files into and out of any existing UNIX-y CLI tools without the need for a special plugin ecosystem.

// snowpack.config.json
"scripts": {
// Pipe every "*.css" file through the PostCSS CLI
// stdin (source file) > postcss > stdout (build output)
"build:css": "postcss",

If you’ve ever used your package.json “scripts” config, this format should feel familiar. We love the simplicity of using your CLIs directly without an unnecessary plugin system. We hope this pattern offers a similar intuitive design.

If you want more control over your build (or want to write your own build tool) Snowpack also supports third-party JavaScript plugins. Check out our docs to learn more about customizing your build.

build Bundling for Production

build output example

To be clear, Snowpack isn’t against bundling for production. In fact, we recommend it. File minification, compression, dead-code elimination and network optimizations can all make a bundled site run faster for your users, which is the ultimate goal of any build tool.

Snowpack treats bundling as a final, production-only build optimization. By bundling as the final step, you avoid mixing build logic and bundle logic in the same huge configuration file. Instead, your bundler gets already-built files and can focus solely on what it does best: bundling.

Snowpack maintains official plugins for both Webpack & Parcel. Connect your favorite, and then run snowpack build to build your site for production.

// snowpack.config.json
// Optimize your production builds with Webpack
"plugins": [["@snowpack/plugin-webpack", {/* ... */}]]

If you don’t want to use a bundler, that’s okay too. Snowpack’s default build will give you an unbundled site that also runs just fine. This is what the Snowpack project has been all about from the start: Use a bundler because you want to, and not because you need to.

Try Snowpack Today

We are so excited to share this all with you today. Download Snowpack to experience the future of web development.

npm i snowpack@latest --save-dev

If you already have an existing Snowpack application, Snowpack 2.0 will walk you through updating any outdated configuration. Snowpack’s original package installer still works as expected, and with the new dev & build commands Snowpack even manages your web packages for you.

Check out our docs site to learn more.

Create Snowpack App

The easiest way to get started with Snowpack is with Create Snowpack App (CSA). CSA automatically initializes a starter application for you with a pre-configured, Snowpack-powered dev environment.

npx create-snowpack-app new-dir --template [SELECT FROM BELOW] [--use-yarn]

🐹 Happy hacking!

Thank you to all of our 80+ contributors for making this release possible. Thanks to Melissa McEwen & @TheoOnTwitch for helping to edit this post.